2019 Chinese Digital Cultural Exports Annual Observation Report

|Internet economy 作者:TRI 2020-05-14

Currently, the Internet and digital cultural exports have become an important way to promote the global spread of Chinese culture and enhance China’s global cultural competitiveness. China is growing into a new force in the global network and digital culture field, with opportunities and challenges coexisting. The report focuses on Chinese digital cultural exports, from the perspectives of current situation, strategic value, development opportunities, challenges and suggestions, and attempts to explore how to further improve the international communication pattern of Chinese culture.

From the perspective of subdivided fields, television exports are “heat inside and cold outside”; domestic movies exports are unpopular; TV dramas exports perform well; high-quality online dramas exports are popular; online literature exports promote the copyright business. The animation market is still in its infancy and the original national cartoons have begun to gain attention overseas. Online music, live broadcast platforms and short video platforms have been deployed globally, and the head products have won the championship in the application rankings of many countries or regions, which is expected to become an important carrier to promote the overseas spread of Chinese cultural content.



